We’ve Rebranded! Introducing Careica Health.

July 31, 2019

We’ve Rebranded!


RANA Respiratory Care Group, Provincial Sleep Group and Provincial Home Oxygen have teamed up under a new name, Careica Health.

New name,
New locations

Our name isn’t the only thing that’s new. We now have 25 locations across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba to better serve you! Click here to view all our locations.


Why did you rebrand?

In late 2018, RANA Respiratory Care Group acquired Provincial Sleep Group and Provincial Home Oxygen.In merging the three companies, rebranding just made sense!

Why did you choose “Careica”?

Caring for clients has been a cornerstone of all three businesses for over 30 years, and since it is such an important part of our culture we thought it made sense to make it the foundation of our new brand.

Will anything change for me and my treatment?

No! The only things that have changed are our name and our additional locations. You’ll still enjoy the same great care you’re used to.

I see there are new locations, can I visit them instead?

Absolutely! Book your next appointment at any one of our locations. Talk to us to make a change.

Has your phone number, email and website changed?

Our phone numbers are the same, but our website and emails have changed. But don’t worry, any emails to our old address will be forwarded to us, and our old website address will redirect to our new website.

Has your online store changed?

Yes, our new online store is located at carecloud.careicahealth.com. You can also access it by clicking the “Store” button on our new website. If you have an existing account on RANA or Provincial Sleep Group’s online store, stay tuned for an email with new login information.

I still have questions! Who can I contact?

We are happy to answer any other questions you have. Talk to us at any of our locations, or call 1-888-297-7889.

Feeling Sleepy? You may be at risk for sleep apnea. Take the quiz and find out.

Order products! We offer CPAP supplies, cleaning accessories, masks, tubing, and filters.